These are tasks specified in the source and the documentation which are marked as TODO items and hence are to be seen as work in progress.


Add methods for listing all available products (using the in_shop manager) for a given brand.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.brands.models.BrandBase, line 6.)


Cache this. It is a slow operation which requires as many queries as the category tree is deep.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.category.basemodels.NestedCategoryBase.get_parent_list, line 10.)


We want a setting allowing us to limit the nestedness of categories. For ‘navigational’ reasons, a number of 3 should be a reasonable default.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.category, line 11.)


We should consider adding a manager to OrderBase which can filter on the completed states.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.basemodels.AbstractCustomerBase.get_confirmed_orders, line 3.)


Make this lazy object: we should only perform the actual database query when this object is requested from within template.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.context_processors.cart, line 4.)


Use aggregation here.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.models.CartBase.get_total_items, line 3.)


Use aggregation here.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.models.OrderBase.get_total_items, line 3.)


Graceously handle errors instead of form_invalid noting that render_to_response was not found.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.views.CartAddBase, line 15.)


Decide whether or not to make the default success url a configuration value or not.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.views.CartAddBase.get_success_url, line 4.)


Make an API hook allowing us to check whether a product available for adding it to a cart.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.core.views.CartAddFormMixin.get_context_data, line 7.)


Use a setting to define the way in which prices are formatted site-wide. This way we have a simple mechanism for formatting prices everywhere on the site while leaving everything loosely coupled.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.currency, line 6.)


Provide a listing/overview of the types of DiscountMixin’s available, how they should be used and... whether they have been tested or not.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts.advanced.models.discount_models, line 3.)


Unittest this function.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts.advanced.models.discount_models.CouponDiscountMixin.generate_coupon_code, line 4.)


Test this code.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts.advanced.models.discount_models.DateRangeDiscountMixin.get_valid_discounts, line 5.)


Test this! There are likely to be bugs...

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts.advanced.models.discount_models.ManyCategoryDiscountMixin, line 3.)


Test this! There are likely to be bugs...

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts.advanced.models.discount_models.ProductDiscountMixin, line 3.)


Provide a listing/overview of the types of DiscountMixin’s available, how they should be used and... whether they have been tested or not.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts.advanced.models.order_models, line 4.)


Figure out what to do when multiple discounts are valid. Really, some though should be put into this. Maybe something like a combine_with boolean or other customizable behaviour.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.discounts, line 3.)


Write the is_featured manager - and test it.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.featured.models.FeaturedProductMixin, line 5.)


Make sure the is_featured manager for this base model uses the featured_order attribute.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.featured.models.OrderedFeaturedProductMixin, line 3.)


Add a setting for returning stub images when no default image currently exists.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.images.admin.ImagesProductAdminMixin.default_image, line 4.)


This code is probably a bit too low-level.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.shipping.advanced.models.order_models.CheapestShippingMixin.get_shipping_method, line 3.)


Write documentation here.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.stock.advanced, line 1.)


Write more descriptive documentation here about the stock management API’s.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.stock, line 3.)


Decide whether this bugger belongs into :module:shopkit.core or whether it is just fine at it’s place right here.

  • Pro: We’ll have a generic API for determining the stock state of items.
  • Con: It’s bad to have too much code in the core, it is better if modules within django-shopkit have the least possible knowledge about one another.

(The original entry is located in docstring of shopkit.stock.models.StockedCartItemBase, line 5.)